Ofra Haza: Artist Yeshiva
Leah Dunn Leah Dunn

Ofra Haza: Artist Yeshiva

Havurah Music Director Leah Dunn explores the life, music, and enduring legacy of Ofra Haza, highlighting her fusion of Yemenite heritage with contemporary sounds, global influence, and role as a cultural bridge across genres and communities.

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Cindy Sherman: Purim and the Power of Disguise
Kayla Mantell Kayla Mantell

Cindy Sherman: Purim and the Power of Disguise

As Purim approaches, its themes of disguise and transformation echo in Cindy Sherman’s work. Her portraits, like Purim itself, blur the line between reality and illusion—where costumes conceal and reveal, and joy and tragedy coexist.

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Suzy Ultman is Playing with Purim
Eitan Gutenmacher Eitan Gutenmacher

Suzy Ultman is Playing with Purim

Two weeks before Purim, Eitan Gutenmacher, the creative director of Havurah, sat down with illustrator and artist Suzy Ultman to chat about play, Buddhism, war, and finding creative humanity within some of the darkest experiences we endure. Their transcription below has been edited for clarity.

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The Whimsical History of the Purim Spiel
Art History, Culture Rachel Rumstein Art History, Culture Rachel Rumstein

The Whimsical History of the Purim Spiel

The story of Esther is full of cosmic winks and giggles, which is what made Purim Speils so hard to ban for Chazal, even when live theater was often violent and crude with the occasional on-stage murder. Sages of the Mishnaic and Talmudic eras condemned theatre for being frivolous, and yet, Purim Speils were relatively commonplace throughout Ashkenazi Jewry of the mid-1500s.

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From Wool to Words: The Artistry of Frida Refael
Ashley Finkel Ashley Finkel

From Wool to Words: The Artistry of Frida Refael

In an intimate conversation at her boutique on Yona Hanavi Street, Ashley Finkel, explores Frida’s creative journey, inspirations, and artistic process. Read the full interview to uncover the story behind her craft

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Mark Podwal: Artist Yeshiva
Lindsay LeBoyer Lindsay LeBoyer

Mark Podwal: Artist Yeshiva

Mark Podwal used his art to preserve Jewish history and identity. In this interview, Lindsey LeBoyer talks with his son, Ariel Podwal, about his father’s legacy and enduring influence.

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The Vulnerable Indie Pop of Slimdan
Carolyn Bernstein Carolyn Bernstein

The Vulnerable Indie Pop of Slimdan

Carolyn Bernstein, covers a conversation between slimdan and Havurah Music director, Leah Dunn, about how a kid from a tight-knit Orthodox community learned to blend Judaism, rebellion, and humor into pop music that’s uniquely his.

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Modesty in Manhattan
Kayla Mantell Kayla Mantell

Modesty in Manhattan

The intersection of faith and fashion offers a bold challenge to fast fashion’s cycle of overexposure and overconsumption. Kayla Mantell, Havurah’s Digital Media Manager, explores how Jewish modesty redefines style in NYC.

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Nathan Altman: Artist Yeshiva – Chanukah Edition
Ruthie Yudelson Ruthie Yudelson

Nathan Altman: Artist Yeshiva – Chanukah Edition

A deeper look at Nathan Altman’s jugs, bottles, and pitchers will remind every Jew to cast an eye to our own vessels this Hanukkah, to pay deeper attention to the miraculous possibility already adorning our tables and our sinks. 

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Watch: RuPaul learns Chanukah Mysticism
Talia Mizrachi Talia Mizrachi

Watch: RuPaul learns Chanukah Mysticism

In this clip, Jewish comedian and actress Sandra Bernhard lights the Chanukah candles on VH1’s 1997 RuPaul Christmas special. Bernhard takes this rare opportunity to teach RuPaul some Hassidic Chanukah Torah, openly admitting that she “only lights” oil menorahs, as they “bring down more light.”

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Margo Guryan: Artist Yeshiva
Eitan Gutenmacher & Zeke Abramson Burdman Eitan Gutenmacher & Zeke Abramson Burdman

Margo Guryan: Artist Yeshiva

With the recent yartzeit of the cult-classic baroque pop musician Margo Guryan (4 Kislev 5782) and the release of the critically acclaimed tribute album Like Someone I Know by Sub Pop Records, we’re taking a moment to reflect on Guryan’s life, legacy, and her lasting Jewish cultural impact.

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Watch: Young Troye Sivan Singing Ani Ma’amim
Talia Mizrachi Talia Mizrachi

Watch: Young Troye Sivan Singing Ani Ma’amim

In this clip, a young Troye Sivan sings Ani Ma’amin, while wearing a large velvet kippah on his head. While today Sivan is best known as a global queer pop icon celebrated for songs that explore desire and identity, this video offers a glimpse into his less well-known modern Orthodox Jewish upbringing in Perth.

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A Year after October 7th, a new Jewish Album Emerges
The Havurah Team The Havurah Team

A Year after October 7th, a new Jewish Album Emerges

The Havurah Team discusses Common Blue, our debut record, set to release October 1, 2024. Common Blue is a collaborative album for this moment in Jewish history, and a collective love letter to our tradition.

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Write for Havurah!

Send us your pitch for an article related to Torah and Art, or anything you think might fit our virtual Beit Midrash.

Want to think through your idea for the Havurah Journal together? Reach out to ellie@havurah.art with any questions or to brainstorm!