Josef by Cedars Of Lebanon - Parshat Vayeshev
Josh Engelson of Cedars of Lebanon gives Havurah an exclusive look into his newest single Josef, and how this week’s Parsha inspired the track.

The Annual Havurah Gift Guide - 5783
The season of hot beverages and thick sweaters is upon us. As Havurah’s self-proclaimed shopping expert, I thought it only right for me to publish our annual Chanukah gift guide. Our list includes some staff picks along with some spins on a few timeless classics. I guarantee these presents are so good, only one will be enough to last all eight nights.

How to draw God: Parshat Vayetzeh
Creatives often see censorship as meaningless blocks on creativity, which I usually agree with, but taking a look at other representations of this scene perhaps points to more possibilities within the realm of the limited.

Analytical Cubism & the Art of the Sukkah
In the cubist paintings of Georges Braque (France, 1882-1963), it seems to me that it is by dealing with the formal elements of structure and landscape that one can in fact find the space of spiritual dimensions within physical reality.

I Can No Longer Come and Go: Parshat Va’Yelech & The Death of Socrates
In The Death of Socrates, the chalice of poison is about to be handed to Socrates by one of his disciples. In the background at the staircase walks his wife; her hand raised gesturing farewell, echoing her husband’s hand raised in the philosopher’s resolute idealism.

Dancing for the Sublime
To create is inherently divine. To speak, write, and revel in artistic expression is to mirror the force that causes life to march forward and to cease- the same force that brings some molecules together and prevents the union of others…
Write for Havurah!
Write for Havurah!
Send us your pitch for an article related to Torah and Art, or anything you think might fit our virtual Beit Midrash.
Want to think through your idea for the Havurah Journal together? Reach out to ellie@havurah.art with any questions or to brainstorm!